What Are Low Vibration Energies?
Hey OM Family,
In this OM Energy Clearing Blog Series, I will go in depth into explaining each of the 40+ steps I perform during each OM session.
The first of these is ridding you of low vibration energies, from your body, energy field, home, and land. Which sounds awesome, right? But what exactly are “low vibration energies?”
In the spiritual realm, everything is energy, and everything vibrates at a certain frequency, then reverberates. For a quick refresher, you can refer back to my video entitled, “Energy 101.” It will help you understand the basics, both spiritually and physically, of how energy works and how certain energy patterns can affect your everyday life.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Whatever you do, comes back to you?” Well, it’s a universal principle, like a pebble sending a ripple across a pond, which then becomes a wave that returns from where it came.
The best kind of energy is high vibration. Angels, Spirit Guides, and Old Souls vibrate at a very high frequency. In contrast, low vibration energies may consist of residual energy leftover from a traumatic event, “lost souls” (although no one is ever really lost, just slower to evolve), self-defeating thought patterns or emotions, negative thought forms from an outside source, psycho-kinetic (PK) manifestations, and parasitic spiritual attachments (whether human or inhuman).
When I psychically enter your energy field during your OM session, I remove any of these kinds of low vibration energies, kind of like removing spiritual “lint” from your etheric being, so you feel lighter, brighter, and unencumbered from accomplishing what you want as long as it serves your highest purpose.
Think of this first step of OM Energy Clearing as the foundation of what I do – as an ally in your quest of optimal spiritual health and wellbeing. And because low vibration energies can always attempt to come back to drag you down, I offer OM as an ongoing subscription, to keep the “good vibes going.”
In my next OM Energy Clearing Blog, I’ll talk about the effects of our ancestor’s actions on the lives we are all living today – and how to break those chains of negative bondage should they exist.
If you’d like more information on OM and how to subscribe (so you too can experience optimal spiritual wellbeing) please visit my OM Energy Clearing page to review all the options available to you.
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