Repelling “Hive Mind” Consciousness

Repelling “Hive Mind” Consciousness

Hey OM Family!

Did you ever see the really old movie “Frankenstein?”

We all remember the tragic tale, but there’s one scene in particular towards the end of the film where the villagers gather up their pitchforks and march forth in pursuit of the Frankenstein monster to destroy him.

As we know from the story, Frankenstein wasn’t the monster he was made out to be – he was an innocent creature that was a victim of greed, madness, and circumstance. The villagers represented a mindless mob fueled by fear and hell-bent on revenge – like the ultimate bully made up of a whole horde rather than just one person.

In many ways, that kind of thinking hasn’t changed. It’s what I call “hive mind” or mob mentality – which is very low-vibration and seeks to divide, blame, and obliterate those with whom they label as their “Frankenstein” or boogeyman.

Hive-mind consciousness is the pinnacle of the “us vs. them” mindset, and isn’t really consciousness at all – but brute assimilation.

This kind of destructive consciousness manifests itself in different modern forms – tribalism associated violence and racial hatred (regardless of affiliation), 5G frequencies, erasure of the sacred individual, mind-control through media and authoritarian fear, moral absolutism, loss of self-control and rational thinking, fundamentalism, and on a purely physical level, even a weakened immune system.

Hive-mind mentality is rooted in ignorance and fear, and like a virus, can spread from person to person. Even through their energy fields. This is why during my 18th OM Energy Clearing step, I banish this cancerous kind of consciousness, replacing it with Divine love infused throughout your energy field, and strengthening your immune system.

To feel more self-aware and strong, visit my OM subscription page here. And don’t forget, you can also email me to schedule a quick 15 OM Q&A session, so I can help you figure out which subscription level is right for you.

Sending you light and love,


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