Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, and Peaceful Solstice

Hey OM Family,
This is the season of hope.
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule or Solstice, there’s a hush that blankets the earth like freshly fallen snow. We take time with friends & family, counting our blessings from God/Source and reflecting on the past year.
My wish for you this season is to bask in the glow of love you feel for others, and be open to receive the love others have for you. Understand that you are indeed a Divine Being having a physical experience here, and while challenges will always arise, your connectedness to your Creator is never out of reach.
As we transition into a New Year, take this time to get quiet and listen to the still small voice inside. What magic do you want to create in 2022? Because remember, everything you need to make your dreams come true isn’t somewhere “out there”... it’s already inside you.
One of my favorite (lesser known) holiday songs is “I Believe In Father Christmas” by the late musician Greg Lake.
One of the lyric stanzas puts it perfectly:
“I wish you a hopeful Christmas,
I wish you a brave New Year
All anguish, pain and sadness,
Leave your heart and let your road be clear.”
Wishing you a peaceful holiday season,
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