Infuse Joy & Remove Negative Emotions

Hey OM Family,
Each of us has a favorite memory.
It could be opening gifts as a child on Christmas morning, catching fireflies in the summertime, or even your first kiss.
Such moments in our lives pulse at the highest frequency because they sing the song of our souls – joy. This is when you are in love with being alive, and what Source meant for us to experience all along.
In our 3-dimensional world, joy can feel fleeting. We are distracted and burdened with “busyness” and responsibilities – which are important in their own right, and useful teachers.
But life was never supposed to be a cobbled together sequence of unrelenting drudgery.
Too often we can feel stuck in a cycle of negative emotions, like Mercury Retrograde on repeat. We downward spiral into frustration, anger, and maybe even destructive habits like excessive drinking or isolation.
To get out of this rut, we need to take action. Practice healthy habits. Meditate and pray. Do charitable work. And, (wink wink) make sure your energy field is clear of negative emotions with OM.
Suring my 29th step of the OM Energy Field Clearing process, I pluck away negative feelings like bitterness, greed, envy, or low self esteem. I then replace them with golden baubles of joy, like a shiny new ornament you’d receive at holiday time. Any feelings darkening the doorway to your energy fields are given the spiritual boot, and your supernatural state of Divine joy returns.
To explore what OM can do for you, visit this page or contact me for a free 15 minute OM discovery call.
Sending you light and love,
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